Configuring HTTPD Server on Docker Container and Setting up Python Interpreter
4 min readNov 3, 2020
**I will also soon be publishing it on GeeksforGeeks
How to configure the HTTPD server on Docker container?
- first we need to install docker in your VM so for that go to
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
- create a repo by giving any name by the command vim d.repo and give this URL
- after this u can install docker by the command
yum install docker-ce --nobest
- to check docker installed or not run the command.
rpm -q docker-ce
- to start the service and to check the status of docker u can run the following commands
systemctl start dockersystemctl status docker
Now to configure the web server on the top of docker container these are the steps:
- launch a docker container with an image
- inside which we install webserver program(Apache server)
- starting the server
- inside the docker we install python interpreter(python3)
before launching the container in docker make sure to stop firewalld and then restart docker.
- Now to launch one os /container on the top of docker we need an image u can use image as per u want I'm here using ubuntu :20.10 image for downloading image u can get it from to download the image we have to use just one command
docker pull ubuntu:20.10
now u can launch container by this image #docker run -i -t -name taskd ubuntu:20.10 ,exit is the command to come out of the container ,u can check how many os is stopped and running also by the command #docker ps -a
- to go inside the exited docker container we have one command #docker attach taskd
- Now we can start the installation in docker container first we use the command #apt-get update ,apt-get update command is used to download package information from all configured sources. … So when you run update command, it downloads the package information from the Internet. It is useful to get info on an updated version of packages or their dependencies.
- Now we can install apache web server on the top of docker container by the command #apt-get install apache2 , in ubuntu we have this command apt-get to download and install any software
- Now we have to install systemctl by the command #apt-get install systemctl
- #apt-get install net-tools this will help u to run ifconfig command
- #apt-get install vim
- Now after this installation part gets done we have to configure web server we need to go to cd /var/www/html/ and there we have to create a simple website vim hello.html
- Now start the service by command #systemctl start appache2 .and check the status make sure its active.
- Now get the IP by ifconfig command and put inside firefox to see output IP/hello.html
Setting up the Python Interpreter in docker container
- first we need to install python3 by the command
- To see python3 is installed or not
Thank you for reading :)